Tuesday, August 17, 2021

Getting Ready for LHFHG (Take 4!!!)

My youngest is going LHFHG.  He wants to have things like his big siblings, so I thought I would share our easy set up for LHFHG.  

Like his siblings, he has a crate for his school material.  This makes storing it away when we have company very easy!  

He also got a binder just for LHFHG this year. 

In the front, I have the storytime pages from the LHFHG Facebook group.  These are used on Day 4 of each unit.  The guide directs the parent to write what is typed on the pages.  I have used these some with the middle two kids as well, and it helps keep me accountable for doing the pages more as written.  With my oldest, we would often just do it orally, as I didn't have paper, etc there when we did storytime snuggled on the couch.

Behind the storytime pages, I printed the coloring pages/timeline.  These are also from the FB group.  I printed them 4 to a page to keep them small.  Rarely does my little guy want to do them, but he was very excited to have the ability to do the timeline like his siblings.  We can always save the pictures to color later or put in the coloring bin at church if they never get used.

Finally, there are page protectors at the back for any projects.  The project from Unit 1 is already stored away there.


Getting Ready for World Geography (Take 1)

My oldest started Heart of Dakota's World Geography guide this summer.  She is using it for 9th grade.  We have made a few changes to the guide to work best for our family.  

  • She is not doing the Bible study in the guide (Rooted and Grounded).  Instead, this summer she did Bible Bee Witness, and during the school year, she will be doing Awana Journey.  She is doing the devotional though.
  • She is doing Easy Peasy Spanish 1 instead of what is scheduled in the guide.  I had originally thought she would do dual credit for Spanish next year.  But while researching colleges, I realized her top choice currently doesn't require foreign language.  And with COVID and all of the craziness with that, she might not do as much dual enrollment.
  • She just started Jacob's Geometry with Dr. Callahan's videos.  She did Horizons Algebra (1) last year.
Now that we are 7+ units into the guide, I think we have things set up pretty well.  Here are the binders/notebooks she has this year:
  1. Book of Centuries
    Since this will be used throughout high school, I have put it in its own binder.  In the front pocket, I put the pictures printed on sticker paper.  She can then easily cut them out and place them into the timeline.

  2. Expedition Journal and World Religions and Cultures Binder
    This binder contains the notebooking pages for those two boxes of the guide.  I also have the living library and storytime bookmarks in the pockets of the binder.

  3. Literature and Logic
    In the WG Facebook group, there is a file for the Fallacy Detective questions.  I printed those out, and placed them in a binder.  I have also added an area for all the pages with the literature answers in it.  My daughter prefers to write the answers to the questions instead of discussing them with me.  So she stores the "full" pages in this binder.

  4. Answer Keys and Resources
    The IPC science program came with an unbound answer key/instructor resource material.  I put all of these pages in a big binder we already owned. 

    Jacob's Geometry comes with student reference material (glossary, formulas, etc).  I put these into a standard pocket and brad folder.  I also put the schedule I made for my daughter into this folder, so she can easily see what to do each day.
Here is everything in her bins currently.  You will notice that there are composition books for grammar, writing, dictation, and Spanish.  I also have a file folder in her Spanish area for anything she prints out for Easy Peasy Spanish 1.